Tyrese Reveals Will Smith And Jada Pinkett Just Gave Him $5m

Tyrese has revealed that actors Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett, just gifted him $5m following his  emotional breakdown.
According to Tyrese, he couldn’t pay his daughter’s legal fees but now could and can keep his family afloat.

When we show UP for each-other there’s nothing that can’t be done I️ repeat nothing…… My wife kept the news away from me cause I’ve been on with lawyers all day but our family and our sister Jada-Pinkett Smith and my brother Will Smith just sent us 5 million dollars to help keep us afloat- You’ve guys asked me to get off and stay off the Internet now that my daughters legal fees will be paid I️ will listen….. The Smiths’s and their whole family has always shown up for The Gibson’s Uncle Will you’re an uncle for real…..